* Salam *
end: 29 Feb 2012
my Happy Faces pic:
* My Amateur Pic *
^^ HAPPY FACES OF THREE 'A's ^^Atie pilih gambar ni sbb masa ni mmg happy sgt..Atie sdg pegang Asyrafi (my friend's son) & Affarizan (my colleague who is also beloved "ayah angkat" to Asyrafi sdg ber'ciku-cak' dgn kami ;p We make a "Three A's" team, represents we bearing a name with capital letter A (Atie-Asyrafi-Affa). Gambar ni diambil di Rumah Tas, Bandung tahun 2010. Atie ke sana sama2 ngn officemate, saje mkn angin smbil shopping juta-jutaan rupiah dong hahaha....masa gmbr ni diambil, parents Asyrafi sdg rambang mata dgn bags yg dijual dlm Rumah Tas ni, factory outlet la katakan...jadi Atie & Affa ditugaskan jadi "foster parents" utk Asyrafi...apa nk buek, dh nasib badan ;p hihi sesuai x kami jd mak ayah si budak Asyrafi ni? hahaha...that's why la Atie suka gmbr ni sbb blh mengaburi pihak2 tertentu...oppss...sorry ye, kami berdua ni dh suami isteri orang tau...x pasai2 kang marah my hubby nanti ;p sorry ye bang....hehehe...
ini plak my recent pics, taken on 24th De 2011 @ Golden Palm Tree, Sepang. Credit to Ziela, my friend, who taking this beautiful moments with my super-cute bambam goddaughter, Munirah :) si booolat ni beratnya 10kg padahal baru 7 bulan ;p
Atie nk jugak letak gmbar ni just nk penuhkan entry ni dgn many happy faces...inilah my whole family (except my sister is missing in this pic as she is with in-laws family at this moment) :) Atie ada 7 siblings, with me is the eldest :) gmbr ni diambil di satu exclusive studio di Klang, taken by ex-pilot whose passionate in photography, creating one flow of "love current" overwhelming in each of us...see how each one of us is touching to one another...very brilliant approach by the photographer in making this pic seems so alive. This pic was also taken in early Dec 2011, after celebrating my 5th brother (Fiq) convocation ceremony in PICC, Putrajaya (graduate from USIM, Faculty of Accountancy)
Atie nk tag:
Lastly, BE HAPPY everyone :)
thnx a lot for joining...nice pic!gud luck tau... :)
ReplyDeleteSlm thnx sbb organizing GA juga..aritu atie ada tnya, gmbr perlu gmbr sendiri (amateur) ke atau blh letak gmbr professional?
Deletemaaf,waktu tu internet sy macam siput kne sulfur...boleh je apa2 gmbr pon...
ReplyDeleteatie,sy amek kira gmbr last tu eh...
ReplyDeleteok keon :) tp blh tahu kenapa pilih gmbr tu ye? ;p