Wednesday, 26 July 2000

"Guten Tag and Wie geht es Ihnen!"


hi,how things going there? hm..seems that you want to fight with your 
Hindustani language hah..nevermind,as long as now i have my own secret 
language -Deutsch- that maybe noone or rarely people will understand it 
so,let's go on.Anyway,if you're really know it better why not teach me 
some!? know i'm actually intersted in hindustan songs..a little bit jer 

ok,back to the point.About the language study,there's about 7 hours of 
german class per week..the longest among others.Means that there's at least 
an hour of german class everyday..fuhh what an enjoyable and indeed 
exhausting one!hmm..actually i've just finish my chemistry lab session just 
now,1400-1600 hrs so i'm very tired and feel to sleep rigth now.ok,macht 
nich..(la baks'),our class has 29 hours per week now and it will 
increased next time due to tutorial class which will be held ot 400-500 

last weekend a went to your place.actually, it's the 3rd time l'd been,i met with farah and talk a little bit about study,our batch and 
etc.em..l likes the condition there in uia pj and feel like want to study 
there plak! it's a nice place with lots of space to move around, Islamic 
'atmosphere' and also the existence of many of my close friend there.

so,you're going home? selamat pulang and have the happy moment there in our 
beloved it that you're having short break or just weekend?
this is the first time you're alone without your family,so it's just neutral 
to feel little for me,during my first month there at 
pilah,the same thing also happened.but,after almost 6 months faraway from 
mum and dad,and bro-sisters,this had gonewe have to learn be on our own 
because you know in future, do you want to live everytime
with them? possible isn't it.

ok that's all and hope to hear from u soon.about the call i think i can't 
make it because it's too expensive if i want to make a call with publis 
phone here to k'tan.maybe next time ok!if you want to send any letter or 
anything,i'm eager to wait for that.just use the adress i'd given to u 


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